Reasons for automatic shutdown of mobile phones

1. The protection circuit in the lithium battery is too sensitive, so the power is cut off when the current is large. 2. The battery itself has deteriorated and has been discontinued. 3. The metal sheet of the battery contact position is dirty, causing poor power contact. 4. The joint between the battery and the […]


What to do if the cell phone battery is swelling

Battery swelling and short circuit are two different things. Bumps do not necessarily have safety risks, but short circuits can cause combustion and explosion. However, it must be noted that to a certain extent, battery packs may also have potential risks. When there is a bulge, as long as you stop charging and using it […]


How much battery power is best for charging?

In the previous era of nickel batteries, mobile phones did charge better at lower power. However, the current mobile phone batteries are lithium batteries, and a full charge and discharge will damage the mobile phone battery, causing problems such as the slow charging battery life. Therefore, in the era of lithium batteries, it is best […]